Ist dies ein Gerücht, das Jobs in Umlauf brachte, um Amelio lächerlich zu machen? Oder hat er nur gerne frei zusammenzufassen, was in Silicon Valley als Geschichte herumgeisterte:
Amelio told us: "Apple is a boat. There's a hole in the boat, and it's taking on water. But there's also a treasure on board. And the problem is, everyone on board is rowing in different directions, so the boat is just standing still. My job is to get everyone rowing in the same direction so we can save the treasure." After he turned away, I looked at the person next to me and asked, "But what about the hole?"SteveJobsInc gibt als Quelle das Fortune Magazine an, jedoch ist dort keine Erwähnung im Text zu finden.
--A Silicon Valley CEO recalling Amelio's description of his task at Apple during a cocktail party in spring, 1996.
cbsnews berichtet, wer der Silicon Valley CEO war. Das Zitat stamme von Larry Ellison, einem alten Freund und Nachbarn von Steve Jobs. Ein Schelm wer hier Böses denkt. Ellison bereitete einst eine feindliche Übernahme Apples vor, um Steve Jobs als Vorstandsvorsitzenden einzusetzen. Im Gegenzug wurde er von Jobs in den Vorstand berufen sobald er das Geschäft übernahm.
Bei Walter Isaacson, nicht gerade eine zuverlässige Quelle, sondern oft nur eine Wiedergabe der Aussagen von Steve Jobs, findet sich folgende Passage:
That spring Larry Ellison saw Amelio at a party and introduced him to the technology journalist Gina Smith, who asked how Apple was doing. "You know, Gina, Apple is like a ship," Amelio answered. "That ship is loaded with treasure, but there's a hole in the ship. And my job is to get everyone to row in the same direction." Smith looked perplexed and asked, "Yeah, but what about the hole?" From then on Ellison and Jobs joked about the parable of the ship. "When Larry relayed this story to me, we were in this sushi place, and I literally fell off my chair laughing," Jobs recalled. "He was just such a buffoon, and he took himself so seriously. He insisted that everyone call him Dr. Amelio. That's always a warning sign."Die Journalistin Gina Smith schrieb zusammen mit Steve Wozniak dessen Biografie iWOZ.